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Review Article

Open Vet J. 2025; 15(2): 533-540

Global initiatives to phase-out colistin use in food-producing animals

Mohamed Omar Ahmed, Yousef Mohamed Abouzeed, Mohamed Ali Daw.


Colistin (polymyxin E) is a veterinary exclusive antimicrobial and one of the oldest antibiotics that is currently recognised as one of the highest priority critically important antimicrobials for humans. It is extensively used for multiple medical and non-medical purposes particularly for growth promotion, prophylaxis/metaphylaxis and therapeutic in food animals. As a result, colistin resistance was widespread along the food-chain linking to multidrug resistant bacterial infections in humans reflected by greater use of colistin in healthcare settings resulted in different types of bans/restrictions in food-producing animals, around the world. This report debates the testimonies of 25 countries representing gLobal initiatives to phase-out colistin use in animal production.

Key words: Colistin (polymyxin E), Global public health, Food producing animals

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