Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis(MAP) is one of the most infectious bacteria affecting small and large ruminants causing Johne's disease which is characterized by chronic diarrhea , severe emaciation and decreasing of the milk production leading to highly effective economic losses. Also, MAP causes Johne's disease in human. In this study, blood without anticoagulant (n=200) and faecal (n=200) samples were collected from sheep, goats, cattle and buffaloes. By using of ZN stain, smears from decontaminated faecal samples revealed presence of acid fast bacilli (68%). Serum samples separated from blood tested by ELISA showed the presence of antibodies against MAP in sheep (20%), goats (17.1%), cattle (22.5%), and buffaloes (16%). Faecal samples were tested by PCR for detection of IS900 specific gene for confirmation of MAP strains and it was detected in (26.7%) sheep, (25.7%) goats, (28.8%) cattle, and (20%) buffaloes. Also, the conventional PCR was used to differentiate between 2 types of MAP where S- type was detected in (9)sheep, (5) goats, (12) cattle, and (3) buffaloes and C- type was detected in (7) sheep, (4) goats, (11) cattle, and (2) buffaloes. This study proved that MAP is a widespread bacterium and shows the highly spreading of its strains in ruminants.
Key words: : MAP, Johne's disease, Ruminants, ELISA, PCR