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Study of lean body mass and VO2 max between male volleyball players and age-matched control group

Swati Ramchandra Gawali, Mayur Jadhav, Rita Manoj Khadilkar.


A sedentary lifestyle can lead to various health problems. Engaging in sports activities can improve the overall fitness of individuals, improve general well-being, and prevent the incidence of non-communicable diseases.

To compare and correlate lean body mass and oxygen consumption (VO2 max) between male volleyball players and an age-matched control group.

The study aimed to investigate differences in lean body mass and VO2 max between male volleyball players and controls aged 18–25 years. Lean body mass was analyzed by skin-fold thickness and standardized formula. VO2 max was measured by Queens College step test. Data analysis was done by descriptive statistic, unpaired t test, and Spearman test for correlation.

The lean body mass and VO2 max of volleyball players were more as compared to the control group which was statistically significant and there was no association between lean body mass and VO2 max.

Involving in sports activities like volleyball can help improve overall health and physical performance.

Key words: Volleyball, Lean body mass, VO2 max

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