Several alternative feed additives to replace AGP to maintain good quail performance include the use of probiotics and herbal extracts.
In this study, the researchers want to find out the best dosage of microbiota inoculum as probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus plantarum), single garlic extract (Allium Sativum L), and combination groups to improve laying quail egg production, haematology profile (Erythrocytes, Haemoglobin, Haematocrit, Leukocytes, and Platelets), and reproductive organs in terms of length and weight and have better egg quality on the internal (haugh units, yolk score, albumin index, yolk index) and external (shell thickness, egg weight) while laying phase of laying quail.
A total of 100 4-week-old laying quails of uniform body weight were randomly distributed into five treatments with four replicates each and five quails in each replicate. There were 5 treatment groups: T0 quails were given basal feed; T1 quails were given basal feed and drinking water added with probiotics at a dose of 4 ml/L; T2 quails were given feed added with a single garlic extract at a dose of 2 ml/g and ordinary drinking water; T3 quails were given feed with a single garlic extract at a dose of 2 ml/g and drinking water supplemented with probiotics at a dose of 4 ml/L; and T4 quails were given a single garlic extract at a dose of 1 ml/g and drinking water supplemented with probiotics at a dose of 2 ml/L. The study investigated the effects of microbiota inoculum, including probiotics, garlic extract, and a control group, on reproductive organ morphologies in chickens. Results showed significant improvements in weight vagina, uterus, oviduct, ovarium, weight cloaca, growth performance, body weight, egg production, internal egg quality, yolk color score, yolk index, albumin index, external egg quality, haugh unit, egg height, shape index, eggcell weight, and eggcell thickness.
The number of erythrocytes was significantly higher in the chickens treated with the microbiota inoculum compared to the control group. Haemoglobin levels were not significant in all treatments, but haematocrit levels were significant in the chickens treated with the microbiota inoculum. Leukocytes were also significantly higher in the chickens treated with the microbiota inoculum compared to the control group.
The use of a combination of microbiota inoculum in drinking water and garlic extract in feed has been proven to be effective in reducing feed consumption, maintaining hematology, increasing reproductive organs, and boosting the number of laying quail productions, thereby reducing Feed Conversion Ratio.
Key words: Probiotics, Good Health, Growth performance, Quality eggs, Reproductive organs, Quail