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Original Article

AJVS. 2016; 51(2): 317-326

Public Health Hazards of Edible Poultry Offals

Rania S. Dewedar, Mohamed M. Mousa, Hanaa F. Farag.


A study was conducted to estimate the public health hazard of edible poultry offals and estimate the occurrence of Salmonella in giblets .A total of ninety of edible poultry offals (liver, heart, and gizzard) (30 for each) were collected randomly from different retail shops at El Bohiera governorate, 15 of each for chilled samples and 15 from freshly slaughtered birds, and examined for sensory, chemical and microbiological examinations. All examined fresh samples(liver, heart and gizzard) found to be contaminated with different types of microorganisms at zero time of evisceration and after 20 minutes of evisceration with a mean of differences value of 7.14x104, 1.83x104 and 7.48x104, respectively for Mesophilic bacteria counts; 1.41x105, 5.07x104 and 1.10x105, respectively for Enterobacteriaceae count; 1.09x105, 5.87x104 and 9.81x104, respectively for Coliforms count; 1.33, 5.00 and 5.00, respectively for Mould and at last 3.15x102, 3.31x102 and 6.28x102, respectively for Yeast count. The incidence of identified Staphylococcus aureus in both chilled and fresh samples was 7%, 10% and 7%, respectively, while the incidence of identified Salmonella spp. was 17%, 413% and 20%, respectively.

Key words: Edible offals, Giblets, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform, Total volatile nitrogen and Thiobarbituric acid.

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