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Review Article

RMJ. 2019; 44(4): 880-883

Mechanism and benefits of ketogenic diet for weight loss and health

Samreen Khan1, Aziz,Hina - rehman.


Ketogenic diet is a new trend to approach for fast weight loss which claims to be high fat, low carbohydrate and moderate protein diet. ketogenic diet involves the formation of ketone bodies that provide energy to the body instead of carbohydrate. However, in other diets the energy is mainly derived from the carbohydrates. In order to initiate the diet, Keto-adaptation takes time as body shifts its energy metabolism from sugar to ketone bodies and it takes approximately 7 days for a body to be keto-adapted. The purpose of this article is to help and understand the mechanism with which the ketogenic diet helps in weight loss and compare it with high carbohydrate diets from clinical perspectives.

Key words: Ketogenic diet, ketogenesis, Carbohydrates restricted diet, weight loss.

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