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Role of early clinical exposure in first-year medical education as an adjunct to conventional didactic teaching

Ayaskant Sahoo, Swikruti Behera.


Competency-based medical education includes “early clinical exposure” (ECE) to increase understanding and concept building in the first phase of medical education. ECE does not replace basic sciences and conventional teaching but rather enriches and contextualizes that learning.

To assess the importance of early clinical exposure in the first MBBS medical training session when taught as an adjunct to conventional didactic lectures.

We started with didactic lectures on a specific topic in electrocardiograms (ECGs) followed by early clinical exposure (ECE) on the same topic. This was done in a hospital setting with real patients. We obtained approval from the institutional ethical committee, and students were included in the study after signing a consent letter.

The students returned a completed questionnaire after the didactic lecture, and the same students returned the questionnaire after an additional session of early clinical exposure. The students here acted as their own controls. Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon tests were performed, which revealed that the results were highly significant (p

Key words: Early clinical exposure, Didactic lecture, Medical education, Competency-based medical education

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