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Original Article

Med Arch. 2016; 70(2): 88-91

Association of Parental Age and the Type of Down Syndrome on the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mia Sotonica, Mirela Mackic-Djurovic, Sabaheta Hasic, Emina Kiseljakovic, Radivoj Jadric, and Slavka Ibrulj.


Background: Advanced paternal and/or maternal age is a classic risk factor for Down syndrome. The aim of the study was to investigate the frequency of Down syndrome types in children and its association with maternal and paternal age in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Subjects and Methods: The cross sectional, observational study included 127 children, 49 girls and 78 boys, aged 1-180 months suspected to have Down syndrome, admitted to the Centre for Genetics, Faculty of Medicine University of Sarajevo, for cytogenetic analysis and differential diagnosis of Down syndrome during the period from January 2010 to May 2015. Standard method of 72 hours cultivation of peripheral blood lymphocytes has been applied. The accepted level of statistical significance was p

Key words: advanced age, trisomy 21, translocation, mosaicism

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