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Original Article

Med Arch. 2015; 69(6): 393-395

Buscopan Application as an Analgesic in Primiparas

Mohammad Abou El-Ardat, Fatima Gavrankapetanovic, Sanjin Dekovic, Mirza Kozaric, Mirna Rakocevic, Khalil A. Abou El-Ardat, and Lejla Zunic.


Introduction: Scopolamine butylbromide or Buscopan is a drug that belongs to a group spasmolytic agents. Its clinical application it is found during childbirth, especially during the first stage of labor. It has a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the pelvis and a small cervical-uterine plexus. The study is conducted at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Clinical Centre in Sarajevo and included 100 primiparas. The respondents were divided into two groups. To the test group is administered Buscopan 40mg in 500ml of saline, during the first stage of labor and dilatation of 4-5 cm. The control group did not receive Buscopan. Results: Conducted is a comparative analysis where it was found that among the respondents of the test group, the time of active labor reduced to about 1 hour and 45 minutes. On a scale of pain intensity, decrease started after 10 minutes following the Buscopan application. Apgar score did not differ significantly. But the pain decreased in 54.54% of primiparas in the test group. On the basis of this study and according to the results we can come to the conclusion that the effectiveness of Buscopan as analgesics during childbirth in primiparas is very good. Conclusion: The clinical application of the Buscopan is justified in obstetric practice in order to reduce the pain, especially in primiparas.

Key words: Buscopan, analgesic, primiparas.

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