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Case Report

Surgical Treatment of Complete Bronchial Rupture Due to Blunt Thoracic Trauma with Bronchoplasty



Tracheobronchial ruptures are rare but potentially life-threatening injuries. These injuries can develop as a result of high-energy motor vehicle accidents, falling from a height, crushing, and penetrating injuries. If diagnosed early, tracheobronchial ruptures can be successfully treated.The most common symptoms include shortness of breath, subcutaneous emphysema, and pneumomediastinum. Diagnosis may be delayed due to other accompanying system injuries. Pneumomediastinum, which does not respond to tubular toracostomy, massive air leakage from the thoracic drain and the presence of pneumothorax should warn the clinic of the possibility of intratorastic tracheobronchial rupture. Early diagnosis prevents non-reversible loss of parenchym, resulting in fewer complications and an increase in survival.

Key words: tracheobronchial rupture;trauma;bronchoplasty;pneumothorax

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