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Original Research

RMJ. 2016; 41(3): 363-368

Nutritional composition of Rhazya stricta: A local medicinal plant of Kech Region, Pakistan

Wahid Bakhsh Baloch, Naima Memon, Mona Rani, Abdul Rasool Abbasi, Shaista Khan, Allah Nawaz Memon, Hassan Imran Afridi, Inayat Ullah.


Objective: The study is aimed to evaluate the minerals and proximate composition along with phytochemicals and physicochemical parameters of Rhazya stricta which is a useful component of drugs used in traditional medical system for remediation of various diseases.
Method: Thirteen essential and non-essential minerals from five different parts of the plant were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Proximate and physicochemical parameters were determined by using standard methods adopted by association of official analytical chemists 1990 while phytochemicals were analyzed using standard methods.
Results: Concentration of mineral such as iron ranged from (52-740mg/kg), zinc (25.385-49.487mg/kg), sodium (221.176-359.67mg/kg), potassium (452.485-992.952mg/kg), magnesium (435.407-1497.608mg/kg) and calcium (1955.128-3141.026 mg/kg). Proximate composition of Rhazya stricta revealed that the plant is composed of (65.94%) moisture, (5.5%) ash, (9.84%) protein, (3.89%) fat, (14%) fiber, (66.77%) carbohydrates.
Conclusion: The investigated plant is a good source of iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium which make it drug of choice in the management of anemia, dysentery and jaundice and related bone diseases.

Key words: Rhazya stricta, minerals, proximate composition, physiochemical parameters, Kech.

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