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Original Article

AJVS. 2025; 84(0): 27-34

Preparation and evaluation of inactivated Newcastle virus vaccine with new adjuvant (EOLANE 150)

Mahmoud M. Abdelmoneam, Zeinab M. Ali, Hala A. Shaheen, Reem A. Soliman, Mohamed Saad, Mouneir M. ElSafty.


Newcastle disease virus cause one of the most damaging viral diseases in poultry industry worldwide. D-VII strain of Newcastle virus was prepared using three different oil adjuvants i.e. Eolane-150, paraffin oil and Montanide ISA 71. Humoral Immune response and potency of all the vaccinated and control groups after single vaccination was evaluated in specific pathogenic free (SPF) birds through Haemagglutination inhibition test and challenge test. In present study, results of Haemagglutination Inhibition Test conducted on serum samples of three vaccinated and one control groups indicated that the group vaccinated with montanide ISA 71 showed highest level of antibodies titer (8.30 log2) on 4th week post vaccination. While the highest antibodies level recorded in groups vaccinated with Eolane-150 and paraffin oil adjuvanted were (7.60 log2, 6.70 log2) respectively. All the vaccinated groups with montanide ISA 71, Eolane 150, paraffin oil showed (100%, 95% and 90%) respectively when challenged with virulent NDV (D-VII strain ) at 4th week post vaccination. vaccines prepared with Eolane-150 and Montanide ISA 71 oil adjuvant had no change in color, no phase separation and no liquefaction up to 90 days post manufacturing at 4°C and 25°C. On the other hand, vaccine with paraffin oil adjuvant showed phase separation of aqueous and oil phase days post manufacturing. As a summary we concluded that three prepared vaccines are not significantly different. Eolane 150 oil adjuvant somewhat similar to Montanide ISA 71 oil adjuvant as provides higher protective antibody titers and protects against challenge by virulent NDV in contrast with vaccine prepared from paraffin oil adjuvant. Also, Eolane 150 economically is a cheaper formulation and accessible adjuvant compared to Montanide ISA 71 and consumes a little time and simple effort during vaccine preparation process compared to paraffin oil adjuvants.

Key words: Newcastle disease virus, Eolane 150, Haemagglutination inhibition, challenge

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