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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2024; 33(3): 61-67

Perceptions of Postgraduate Trainee’s about Professional Behavior: A Qualitative Content Analysis.

Nabiha Farasat Nabiha,Muhammad Saeed,Usama Saeed.


Perceptions of Postgraduate Trainee’s about Professional Behavior: A Qualitative Content Analysis.

Abstract: The current study explores the perceptions and experiences of PG trainees on medical professionalism. After taking IRB from Bolan University of Medical and Health Sciences, a semi-structured interview was conducted in April 2024 by two qualitative researchers. Data was audio recorded, and feel notes were taken from PG trainees of the Physiatry, General Medicine, and Neurosurgery departments. The transcript prepared was coded, classified and similar codes were placed in subthemes. The sub-themes if represent similarities were merged. Thematic and content analysis was conducted. The methodology was according to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist (Supplementary data). Informed consent was filled, and confidentiality and privacy were confirmed. PGs were asked to answer six questions related to professionalism. During content analysis male PG trainees were observed dominant (n=17/22, 77%), majority (n=18/22, 82%) were above the age of 30 years. Almost all (n=20/22, 95%) PG trainees realized the efficacy of teamwork, 85% accepted the successfulness of good communication skills, and 81% (18/22) recognized self-assessment assists in becoming a competent professional.
Conclusion: PG trainees recognized professionalism as a core component and base of postgraduate training. They believe that the use of mobile phones and social media at work is one of the roadblocks to professionalism. Moreover, the disrespectful behavior of patients can be managed by good communication skills.

Key words: Perceptions, PG trainees, medical professionalism, Qualitative Assessment.

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