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The nutraceutical effect of Scenedesmus dimorphus for obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease-linked metabolic syndrome

Armaini Armaini, Abdi Dharma, Marniati Salim.

Cited by 6 Articles

Obesity is a major cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is identified as a characteristic related to metabolic syndrome. This study focuses on the benefits of Scenadesmus dimorphus as a nutraceutical to overcome NAFLD-linked metabolic syndrome caused by obesity. The research used 30 mice (Mus musculus) divided into 6 groups: normal control, obesity control, and drug control (Orlistat) and Scenedesmus dimorphus administrated orally for 21 days in obese mice with NAFLD-linked metabolic syndrome with doses of 5mg/20g body weight (BW), 10mg/20g BW, and 15mg/20g BW. The administration of a high-fat diet can cause obese mice to suffer from NAFLD, resulting in an increase in liver enzymes and changes in lipid metabolism. Administration of Scenedesmus dimorphus at 15mg/20g BW decreases the activity of liver enzymes and improves liver function. The statistics test showed significant differences (p

Key words: obesity, NAFLD, metabolic syndrome, lipid profile, Scenedesmus dimorphus.

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