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Original Article

AJVS. 2025; 84(0): 120-131

The effect of Spirulina Platenisis supplementation on the immune response to FMD in sheep vaccinated with inactivated FMD vaccine

Azza M. Mohamed, Mohamed H. Atwa, Diana M. Abulmagd.


Spirulina's nutritional profile, non-toxicity, and medicinal properties make it a popular choice for use as a nutraceutical feed additive. This study investigates the impact of Spirulina platensis (SPL) algae addition in sheep ration on some of their haemato-biochemical parameters and the humeral immune response to the inactivated FMD vaccine. This experimental work was conducted using 15 sheep classified in 3 groups (5 sheep/ group). The first group was kept without ration additive or vaccination. The second group was vaccinated with FMD vaccine without ration additive while the third group received Spirulina platensis (SP) at the rate of 1gm / 10 kg BW /day starting from one week before vaccination and till the end of experiment (40 weeks). Evaluation of sheep immune response was investigated by measuring the total serum protein, albumin, globulin and the antibody titer by serum neutralization test (SNT) and indirect enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). It was found that there was a marked increase in the levels of total protein, globulin and FMD antibody titer in the serum of sheep received SP than in vaccinated sheep without SP ration additive. Depending on these results we can conclude that Spirulina Platenesis has an immune modulatory effect in sheep vaccinated with FMD vaccine suggesting that it can increase the protection rate and immunity duration against the disease infection.

Key words: Spirulina platenesis, FMD, Inactivated vaccine, SNT, ELISA,

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