Introduction: Acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant tumour of the salivary gland. It usually shows in the parotid gland and rarely shows in another site.
Case Report: A 33 years old female from East Nusa Tenggara came to our outpatient clinic with a complaint of nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis on her right nose 1 year ago. Biopsy for the tumour was done by the previous Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT)-specialist, resulting in suggestive pleomorphic adenoma. During her visit, we found a red-colored mass occupying the right nasal cavity, emerges from the middle meatus. The patient had not received medical or non-medical therapy after the previously done biopsy and declined to have any epistaxis episodes during the time. Nasal obstruction was her current complaint and what brought her to seek medical care. We continued with a midfacial degloving surgery and removed the tumour, which aroused from the maxillary sinus. Histopathology of the tumour shows an acinic cell carcinoma feature.
Discussion: We searched all English and Non-English previously ACC reports in the nasal cavity to compare our case and treatment plan.
Conclusion: Sinonasal ACC is a rare, slow-growing, low-grade malignancy tumour with an excellent outcome, despite indistinct symptoms.
Key words: acinic cell carcinoma, sinonasal tumor, rare case