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Case Report

Endeavour to gain basic function in a nonsensory stiff hand injured with electrical burn

Mehmet Bekir Unal, Evrim Sirin, Ali Seker, Eren Cansu.


Electrical thermal injuries usually result from industrial accidents and have a mortality rate of 3-5%. They might cause functional impairment, loss of extremity and even death. Psychologic impacts can be observed also. A 34 year-old male patient admitted to our institute with an amputated upper extremity on one side and a nonfuctional hand on the contralateral side one year after an electrical injury. He had total sensorial loss on his hand. A two staged operation was planned in order to gain grip function. The first stage was composed of release of contractures of 1st web space and MP joints of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers and restoration of opposition of thumb with opponensplasty. The second stage was composed of restoration of flexion of fingers with tendon grafts and restoration of pinch with adductorplasty. At the end, the patient had a partially functioning hand; at least he was able to hold a pen between his thumb and index finger. Restoration of function and especially tendon transfer in a nonsensory extremity has only very limited indications. However psychological conditions sometimes should be taken into consideration and attempt could be made to gain a basic function.

Key words: Electrical burn; reconstruction; tendon transfer

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