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Prevalence of geriatric depression and assessment of facilities available in old‑age homes of Mysore: A comparative study between public and private homes

Prashantha B, Bhavani Nivetha, Mansoor Ahmed, Mudassir Azeez Khan, Rajagopal Rajendra.

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Background: In elderly mental disorders are overlooked or underdiagnosed. Almost 20% of elderly above 60 years of age suffer from a mental or neurological disorder, and the most common ones are dementia and depression. Studies have pointed out the increased prevalence of depression in old‑age homes.

Objectives: The objectives are as follows: (1) To estimate and compare the prevalence of geriatric depression among people living in public and private old‑age homes and (2) to study the factors associated with depression and compare the facilities in public and private old‑age homes.

Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional questionnaire‑based study was conducted among geriatric population in old‑age homes of Mysore. Depression was assessed using the short form of geriatric depression scale‑15, cognitive impairment using Mini‑Mental State Examination‑30. Data relating to sociodemographic variables and facility assessment were collected separately.

Results: The overall prevalence of depression in old‑age homes of Mysore was 33.3% (46.3% in public and 21.6% in private old‑age homes with P = 0.002). The facilities offered and reason for stay also varied significantly across both homes. Marital status, education, economical dependency, and uncorrected impairment were the factors associated with depression. Among the psychosocial factors, feeling of loneliness, and neglect were significant predictors in both settings. Other psychosocial factors such as feeling satisfied by the status of their children’s life, advice taken by their children, financial and personal losses in the past 1 year, and presence in social events were significant predictors only in private old‑age home.

Conclusion: Prevalence of depression in the old‑age homes differs significantly with the type of home, the facilities offered, and the reason cited by the inmates for admission probably is the contributing factor for the variation in depression.

Key words: Old‑age Home; Depression; Geriatric Depression Scale; Elderly; Geriatric

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