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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2016; 14(2): 43-52

Effects of xylazine on physiological and biochemical parameters of Sahel bucks exposed to twenty-eight hours road transportation

KT Biobaku, BM Agaie, KI Onifade, IA Odetokun, BS Okediran, SA Ameen, MS Ismaila, M Adam & LO Raji.


Thirty two apparently healthy animals were used in the study with four bucks per group. There were eight groups in all and two stocking densities. The experimental treatment groups were xylazine at 0.01 mg/kg intramuscularly administered (IM), xylazine at 0.015 mg/kg (IM), xylazine at 0.020 mg/kg (IM) and a control none treated group. Each of the treatments had low and high stocking rates respectively. Thus, 16 animals each were experimented upon for the high and low stocking rates. Xylazine was administered prior and midway into the experimental journey. Physiological parameters taken were: respiratory and heart rates, rectal temperature and excitability score. Biochemical parameters analyzed were: alanine aminotransferase (ALT) aspartate amino transferase (AST), glucose, cholesterol, and protein. The electrolytes analyzed were Ca+, Mg++, Na+ K+ and Cl- . Antioxidative stress markers assayed were glutathione transferase, superoxide dismutase, malonyldialdehyde. Full blood count and thyroid hormones [triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraidothyronine (T4)] were also determined using ELISA. The results show there was no significant (P>0.05) changes at all doses except for cholesterol where the dose of (0.015mg/kg) of xylazine produced a significantly (P

Key words: Antistress markers, Biochemistry, Bucks, Physiology, Transportation

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