Original Research |
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Level of knowledge and knowledge on practices regarding periodontal disease among antenatal mother attending MCH Centre, Chittoor, A.P.'P.Suma Latha', 'Usha Kiran'.. Abstract | | | | The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge and knowledge on practices regarding periodontal disease among antenatal mothers attending MCH centre, Tirupati, Chittoor (dist), A.P. Non experimental descriptive research approach and descriptive design was adopted. A total of 100 subjects were selected by non probability purposive sampling technique. A structured questionnaire and a checklist were developed and validated to collect the data.
The results revealed that 77 % of antenatal mothers had inadequate knowledge, 16% of antenatal mothers had moderate adequate knowledge and 7% of antenatal mothers had adequate knowledge. Pertaining to level of knowledge on practice regarding oral hygiene 14% of antenatal mothers had inadequate knowledge, 74% of antenatal mothers had moderate adequate knowledge and 12% of antenatal mothers had adequate knowledge. Significant association was found between level of knowledge and residence area and level of knowledge on practices and religion, education of the mothers and education of the husband
Key words: Peridontal disease.