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Review Article

SETB. 2016; 50(1): 1-13

Neonatal hypoglycemia

Ali Bulbul, Sinan Uslu.


Hypoglycemia is one of the most frequent metabolic problems in neonatal period. However, controversy remains surrounding its definition and management especially in asymptomatic patients. Using different protocols, the organizations have significant differences on whom to screen and what levels of glucose should be used for treatment. A new definition is the identification of the first 48 h as a transitional hyperinsulinemic state with transient asymptomatic hypoglycemia. Today evidence does not support a specific concentration of glucose that can be diagnosed as hypoglycemia, or decided to be treated, or can result in acute or chronic irreversible brain damage.

Key words: Asymptomatic, hypoglycemia, newborn, treatment

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