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NNJ. 2014; 3(3): 24-25

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding dog bite among elementary school children in selected schools at Tirupati rural mandal.

M. Lakshmi Devi.


The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding dog bite among elementary school children at Tirupati Rural Mandal, Chittoor (Dist.), A.P. A pre experimental study approach and one group pretest and post test design was adopted for the present study. A total of 50 subjects were selected by non probability convenience sampling method. A structured questionnaire and teaching programme was developed and administered to collect the data. The results revealed that, in pretest assessment among elementary school children 90% had inadequate knowledge, 6% had moderate knowledge, 4% had adequate knowledge on dog bite. In post test assessment 6% had inadequate knowledge, 20% had moderate knowledge, 74% had adequate knowledge on dog bite. In over all present mean was 10.14, standard deviation was 4.025 and post test mean was 24.98, standard deviation was 3.787 with ‘t’ value of 20.574 which is significant at 0.01 level indicates structured teaching programme was effective to increase the knowledge regarding dog bite.

Key words: Dog Bite. Rabies.

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