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NNJ. 2014; 3(3): 17-20

Assessment of the Level of satisfaction towards patient care services among patients admitted in Selected Hospital, Nellore.



The concept of patient satisfaction is rapidly changing to customers delight which means the patient is not only cured of the ailment during the hospital stay but is also pleased with the care provided to him by the hospital and the stay which is fondly remembered after
being discharged. Patient satisfaction determines the quality of patient care rendered by the hospital.

The study is conducted to assess the level of satisfaction towards patient care services among patients admitted in Selected Hospital.

The quantitative research approach and descriptive survey design is adopted for the study conducted in Narayana Medical College Hospital among the 200 patients who utilized the services in the hospital selected by random sampling technique.Data was collected using a Modified Mc clockey /Mueller satisfaction scale which consist of 100 items.

Results showed up department wise are, in reception, 87 (43.5%) are very much satisfied, 72 (36%) are satisfied, 35(17.5%) are
moderately satisfied, 6(3%) are unsatisfied. In OPD services, 87 (43.5%) are very much satisfied, 93 (46.5%) are satisfied, 20(10%) are moderately satisfied. In admission process, 93 (46.5%) are very much satisfied, 89 (44.5%) are satisfied, 18(9%) are moderately

The level of satisfaction depend on diagnosis, physical facilities, nursing services are very much satisfied to the patients who are admitted in the selected hospital.

Key words: Patient Satisfaction, Patient Services.

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