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NNJ. 2014; 3(1): 3-6

Effectiveness of garlic on reducing hypertension among the hypertensive patients.

Dr. Indira.S.


Joyce M.Black (2005) stated that hypertension or high blood pressure(HBP) means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Normal blood pressure defined as the blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg.
Subir K Maulik (2007) Stated that many are unaware of the powers of garlic in reducing the blood pressure. World Health Organization (2009) estimates that in India 196 million adults are affected with hypertension. Hypertension is a global epidemic. Globally 32 million people died due to non-communicable diseases and over half of these (16.7 million ) died due to CVD. Therefore, the investigator conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of garlic on reducing hypertension among patients with hypertension residing at Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore.
Quantitative approach and true experimental pre test - post test design was selected to conduct the study.The study was conducted with the sample that consists of all hypertensive patients who are residing at Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore and fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Data was collected using tool with 2 parts. Part I with socio demographic variables and part II with blood pressure classification according to JNC CRITERIA - VII.
The effectiveness of Garlic on reducing Hypertension between experimental group and control group was assessed by using independent “t” test. The “t” test value of
(SBP) is 4.53 and (DBP) is 5.26. It clearly shows that there was significant reduction of Blood pressure level after giving Garlic supplementation.

Key words: Hypertension, Garlic effect.

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