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Establishment of an age-specific reference range for serum total prostate-specific antigen levels among the Indian Bengali male population in a tertiary care hospital

Abhisek Das Choudhury, Pradipta Ghosh, Papia Sen, Amrita Mukherjee.


Globally, prostate cancer is the most prevalent malignant tumor associated with mortality in men. The most widely used tumor marker for prostate cancer diagnosis is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA). It is already known that racial and geographic factors influence blood PSA levels in various parts of the world. The main flaw of the currently utilized threshold of 4.0 ng/ml is that it underestimates the risk of cancer in younger men and causes unnecessary biopsies in older men. To the best of our knowledge, no reports have offered an age-specific reference range for serum total PSA levels in the male Bengali population of India.

Establishment of an age-specific reference range for serum total PSA levels among the Indian Bengali male population in a Tertiary Care Hospital.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken by R. G. Kar Medical College, including 822 healthy Indian Bengali males aged 30 years and above. The study population was divided into four age groups. After recording the general and clinical findings, serum total PSA was estimated using chemiluminescence immunoassay.

In the age group (30–39) years the reference range is 0.02–1.9 ng/ml. In the 40–49 years age group and in the 50–59 years age group the reference ranges are 0.03–2.1 ng/ml and 0.03–2.8 ng/ml, respectively. The reference range obtained in the age group of >60 years was 0.14–3.8 ng/ml. Serum total PSA levels showed an increasing trend with increased age.

Age-specific reference range of serum total PSA showing a positive correlation with age was established among the Indian Bengali male population.

Key words: Serum total PSA, Reference intervals, Age-specific PSA

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