Health is fundamental element to human progress, which implies a sound mind, in a sound body, in a sound family and in a sound environment.Role - play is one of the most ancient techniques of mass communication and education in India.The objectives of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of role-play on personal hygiene.One group pre test, post test study of pre experimental design was selected to achieve the objectives of the study. Non-random purposive sampling technique was used to select the primary school and class. Complete enumeration method was used to select the study sample. The sample size was 64 out of those 39 boys and 25 girls. Data were collected by
using structured interview schedule. Analysis of the data was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics, viz: Percentages, Mean, standard deviation, chi-square and pairedt test.The over all pre test scores on personal hygiene knowledge mean was 28.23 (SD=4.97), whereas in post test the mean was 39.21 (SD= 2.91), with a paired t value 7.73.
Key words: Role play, Personal Hygiene.