Malete is a fast growing subub with new buildings springing up daily in the area. There is presently no documented research on the physical properties and foundation bearing capacity of the soil in this area. This research aims at determining the suitability of this soil as infrastructure foundation. Bulk samples taken from two selected locations at varrying depths of trial pits were tested in the laboratory for their shear strengths and index properties. Cone penetration resistance, Carlifornia bearing ratio, compaction, consolidation and permeabilty charcteristics were also assessed.
The physical properties measured, varied significantly with depth except for specific gravity which does not vary sigficantly with depth. Soil samples from all pits consist mostly of poorly graded gravely sands with little fines conaing a percentage of coarse to medium grained sand fractions averagely above 85%. Penetration resistance values obtained from hand CPT penetrometer range between 700KN/m2 and 950KN/m2. The average safe bearing capacity estimated for strip footing using a factor of safety of 3 at depth of one meter is not less than 473KN/m2 anywhere in the study area. Samples from the two locations generally exhibit good compaction parameters, high to medium permeability and low compressibility. The highest bearing capacities were associated with the lateritized basement top.
Key words: Foundation, Bearing capacity, Shear strength, Index properties