Background: Breast and cervical cancers are leading causes of deaths in India among female population. To reduce the mortality rate, awareness is of major concern of current time.
Objective: To study the awareness of breast and cervical cancers among common women based on different factors such as age, residence, and occupation.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 1000 common women who can efficiently represent different age groups, occupation, and place of residence. Study population were subdivided into two equal groups where one group participated in breast cancer survey and another group in cervical cancer survey. The X2 analysis was performed to study the significant association of different factors with various knowledge related to breast and cervical cancers among the study groups. Then, MANOVA test, followed by post hoc Duncan test, was performed to delve deeper into the study.
Result: Result showed that there was a high-significant association (p < 0.01) of factors such as age, residence, and occupation with the knowledge of breast and cervical cancers and there was significant difference in the knowledge level perceived by different groups under study.
Conclusion: People of rural area were less aware of breast cancer and cervical cancer. Considering occupation factor, it was observed that knowledge of housewives was less when compared with working women and students. But, age showed different impact on breast and cervical cancers awareness.
Key words: Breast cancer survey, cervical cancer survey, chi-square, MANOVA, post hoc Duncan test