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AAM. 2025; 14(1): 41-56

Efficacy of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya Kwatha and Tutthadi Lepa in the Management of Dadru (Tinea Corporis): A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Vijay Sharma, Rashmi Mutha, Shinsha P, Sunita Rawat, Giridhar Gopal Sharma, Hari Mohan Lal Meena.


Background: Dadru is a Kshudra Kushta characterized by Mandala (circumference of the lesion), Kandu (itching), Raga (erythema), Pidika (eruptions) resembling superficial dermatophytosis. The increasing prevalence of dermatophytosis demands more attention particularly the unresponsive chronic dermatophytosis with antifungal resistance is troublesome to cure. Kushtaghna Mahakashaya and Tutthadi Lepa are traditional treatments in Ayurveda formulations which are widely employed, but there is a need for evidence-based validation of these therapies.
Aim: The study aims to evaluate the efficacy of modified Kushtaghna Mahakashaya and Tutthadi Lepa in the management of Dadru (superficial dermatophytosis).
Materials & Methods: This was a single centered randomized controlled trial. Clinically diagnosed Dadru patients of either gender, aged between 18-60 years, chronicity less than five years were enrolled and allocated randomly into two groups. Subjects in the interventional arm were administered with modified Kushtaghna Mahakashaya (40ml, twice daily, empty stomach) orally and Tutthadi Lepa (external application). Subjects in the Control group were administered with tablet Fluconazole (150 mg, once weekly) & Clotrimazole 1% Ointment for local application. Duration of the trial was 30 days. Efficacy of the treatment were assessed by means of symptom score.
Observation& Results: Out of 54 subjects, 50 were completed study. The analysis yielded statistically significant (P

Key words: Antifungal resistance; Bahirparimarjana; Dadru; Dermatophytosis; Kushtaghna Maha Kashaya; Lepa, Samana Chikitsa; Tutthadi Lepa.

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