Aim: We aimed to investigate the knowledge level, attitudes and measure the level of satisfaction with family medicine services in health-care workers.
Materials and Methods: In this study; Health personel (doctor, nurse, midwife, health officer, psychologist, dietitian and other health staff) working in Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital (HNEAH) were included. We applied the questionnaire face to face prepared for the patients inorder to obtain data about sociodemographic features,the knowledge level, attitudes and behaviors of the employees about the family medicine.
Results: Approximately 63% of participiant were under 30 years of age. 57.8% were female and the majority of participiant were doctors (37.2%). Approximately half of the patients (49.8%) referred to the education and research hospital (ERH) except emergency needs and 45.5% of the patients never visited the family physician during the last year. Employees had a very high rate of enrollment in the family medicine system (80.4%) .Approximately 75% knew their family physician.
The most important reason for attending family physicians was the vicinity (56.7%) and the most important reason(44.5%) for not attending family physicians was the mismatch of working and service hours.
Conclusion: Family physicians are often preferred for prescribing medicine and solving minor health problems. This shows us that the primary care is not adequately used. although we have found that people are highly satisfied with family medicine services , the level of knowledge about family medicine was significantly affected by, age and the number of times they went to their family physician the last year, we conclude that there is a need for more comprehensive case-control studies regarding preferences of participants about family medicine services.
Key words: Family medicine, knowledge, attitude, behavior, satisfaction