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The Newsletter of the European Federation for Medical Informatics

George Mihalas, Arriel Benis, Bernd Blobel, Sorana Bolboaca, Mihaela Cri an-Vida, Thomas Deserno, Paris Gallos, Lars Lindskold, Joho Mantas, Izet Masic, Michael Shifrin. Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar.


This publication has always been a cornerstone of our community, providing valuable insights, updates, and a platform for sharing the incredible work of our members. It was initiated during the EFMI presidency of Catherine Chronaki (Belgium, Greece), with our enthusiastic colleague, Izet Masic (Bosnia Herzegovina), serving as the first Editor-in-Chief. The past year has been a period of reflection and rejuvenation for our team. We took this time to evaluate how best to serve you, our esteemed members, and ensure that our newsletter remains a vital resource in our professional journey together. We continue the traditional general content of previous editions, introducing a structural organization by sections, each coordinated by a guest editor. Additionally, we have expanded the range of topics, introducing articles on opinions as well as including some highlights from our previous meetings. This edition features three special sections.

Key words: EFMI, EFMI Inside.

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