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Case Report

Management of a rotated upper central incisor associated with impacted supernumerary tooth

Zarrin Rahnuma, Dimpleja Jeyachandran, Anirban Biswas, Mishal Haris, Stuti Agarwal.


supernumerary teeth are often found in the maxilla, the extra teeth may be tuberculate, conical, or supplementary or like odontome in shape. The maxillary central incisor region contains mesiodens, a conical kind of supernumerary teeth that maybe unerupted. The adjacent maxillary incisors may rotate, unerupt, or misalign if mesiodens are present.We discuss a case of rotation of the maxillary central incisor with impacted mesiodens in this article, where treatment included surgical removal of impacted mesiodens and orthodontic alignment with 2X4 appliance.

Key words: supernumerary, impacted, rotation.

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