Pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) deficiency is one cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency. Genetic factors, autoimmunity, infiltrative disease, cranial trauma may cause ACTH deficiency. Hyperpigmented skin lesions are expected in primary adrenal insufficiency while they are very rare in secondary adrenal insufficiency. Striae are characterized by linear smooth bands of atrophic appearing skin and pathogenesis is not understood. They are mostly associated with obesity, pregnancy, hypercortisolism. Striae are not an expected finding in hypocortisolemia. We presented a 34-year-old male patient that evaluated for striae on both axillas. He had head trauma and operation 12 years ago. Basal hypophysis hormone levels and dynamic tests were conducted. Basal cortisol and ACTH level were 0,18 ug/dl and
Key words: Striae; Cushing Syndrome; Posttraumatic Acth Deficiency.