Aim of this study was to investigate the effects of thromboprophylactic agents at pre-anastomotic period of thrombosis in gluteus maximus muscle flaps. Forty five male Sprague-Dawley rats that have 289 g average weight were randomly diveded into 9 experiment groups and, each group was consisted of five rats. The first group was a control (sham) and not treated with antithrombotic agents. The other groups were consisted of rats treated with SC heparin, SC LMWH, oral aspirin and the combinations of these groups with IV heparin, and only treated with IV heparin and flaps of these groups were washed with % 10 heparin solution. For the ninth group, we didn't give any thromboprophylactic agents but washed flaps with % 10 heparin solution. The presence of fibrinogen, vWf and the thrombomoduline were investigated in the flap tissues. A diffuse thrombosis was evaluated in the sham group. There was found the lowest thrombosis findings in SC heparin group. A mild to moderate degree of thrombosis was seen in the SC LMWH, oral aspirin or IV heparin injected group. In this animal model, preoperative SC heparin treatment has significant thrombroprophylactic effect when used alone but not in combination.
Key words: flaps, thrombosis, antithrombotic drugs