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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2014; 21(3): 235-236

Laboratory-Acquired Brucellosis: A Case Report

Sibel Altunışık Toplu1, Fatime Yıldız2



Brucellosis, a common zoonotic disease, is still endemic in Turkey. The most common transmission is through consumption of milk and dairy products. Distinctively, in laboratory workers, both direct inhalation and contact with contaminated laboratory material may cause infections. In this case report, a 42 years male laboratory staff who had fatigue, night sweats, and arthralgia especially at knees and hip joints for 10 days, was evaluated. He did not have any history of dairy product consumption. But we learnt that he had sniffed a culture plaque with Brucella spp while working on the sample. We detected Brucella melitensis in his blood culture. We present this case to remind readers of the high transmission risk of brucellosis.

Key Words: Brucellosis; Laboratory Acquiring; Smelling.

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