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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2014; 21(2): 148-150

A Rare Form of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst: Double Thyroglossal Cyst and a Review of the Literature

Turan Yıldız1, Huri Tila İlçe2, Adem Küçük1, Zekeriya İlçe1



Thyroglossal cyst is the most common congenital mass in the neck. However, double thyroglossal cysts are very rare and our case is the sixth case that has ever been published in the literature. Cysts can be seen in any region between the base of the tongue and the supra-sternal region. These are painless cysts of soft consistency, which are movable with protrusion of the tongue and swallowing. Several imaging techniques are used to verify the diagnosis. Ultrasonography, for instance, is generally used to this end. However, in double cysts, we suggest that thyroid scintigraphy should be used in order to differentiate these cysts from aberrant thyroid tissues. In addition, treatment of double thyroglossal cysts is also successful through Sistrunk operations.

Key Words: Children; Double; Thyroglossal Cyst; Scintigraphy.

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