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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2013; 20(4): 357-359

Misiagnostic Approach to the Patient with Bilateral Optic Drusen: A Case Report

Abuzer Gündüz, Zarife Ekici Gök, Selim Doğanay




Fourtheen-year-old, male patient was admitted to our clinic with the complaint of blurred vision. Best corrected visual acuity was bilateral complete and biomicroscopic examination of anterior segment was natural. Fundus examination showed both optic disc margins were swollen and bulging. Pupillary light reflexes were normal. The patient was consulted to the pediatric neurology department with the diagnosis of bilateral papilledema. Lumbar puncture and magnetic resonance imaging results were found normal. Patient was referred to our clinic again. Patient’s re-examination had been established and the results were the same as the previous examination. Orbital computed tomography (CT) was requested. CT images showed hyperdense opacities at the optic disc. The orbital B-scan ultrasonography was performed to the patient. Result of USG gave the appearance of hyperechoic focus at the beginning of each optical disc.These images were relevant with optic disc drusen. Patient was diagnosed as bilateral optic disc drusen.

Key Words: Bilateral Papilledema; B-scan Ultrasonography; Optic Nerve Head Drusen.

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