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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(4): 378-382

Albendazole treatment in a patient with pulmonary cyst hydatid which spreads bronchogenically


Dr. Ömer Soysal*, Dr. Haşan Özdemir*, Dr. Hasarı Berat Cihan*, Dr. E. Ege*, Dr. Metin Gülcüler*, Dr. Öner Gülcan*, Dr. Abdussamed Hazar*, Dr. Mustafa Paç*




Indications, efficiency and results of treatment of albedazole in hydatid disease are not well-known. A patient with multiple bilateral pulmonary cyst hidatid was treated surgically with right thoracotomy. The residual of right lung the cysts of left lung were treated with albendazole. Since there were many small cysts in left lung, we treated these cysts with albendazole medically instead of surgical treatment. Albendazole was used with the dosage of 10 mg/kg and continuously for three months. Computerized thoracic tomography revealed that large cysts were decreased in diameter and the cysts with a diameter of 1-2 cm were disappeared. Albendazole is an alternative treatment for surgery in the patients with pulmonary pulmonary cyst hydatid who are not suitable for surgery

Key words: Cyst hydatid, albendazole, lung

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