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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(4): 354-358

Brucellosis screening using Wright technique on some selected risk groups in Malatya province



Dr. Turan Aslan*, Dr. Metin Genç**, Dr. Gülsen Güneş**, Dr. Erkan Pehlivan**, Bio. Selami Günal***




Brucellosis seropositivity was searched using Wright’s agglutination test on some selected groups in Malatya province between Oct 1994-May 1995. In this study, B. Abortus antigen provided from Pendik Veterinarian Research Institute was used. Sera with titers equal or more than 1/40 were accepted as positive. Sera taken from 486 people who were over the age of 10 analyzed and 25 positive results (5.1 %) were seen.

Significant difference was not found between the people who were only occupied with the animals or meat and the people who only consumed fresh cheese. But, significant difference between the people who were exposed to animals or meat contact or the people who consumed fresh cheese and nonexposures was found.

Key words: Brucellosis, Seroepidemiology, Wright’s Agglutination Test.

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