Because of inverse relationship between high consumption of/3-carotene and incidence of certain cancers, the investigation of fi-carotene has increased. In recent years, the diferent studies indicate that fi-carotene protects against lung and stomach cancers, and enhances the immun defenses, fi-carotene is one of natural antioxidants. Thanks to this activities of fi-carotene, It behaves as an agent by trapping-free-radicals and prevents oxidation of unsaturated lipids in cell membrane and various tissues. To prevent the oxidation, hydrogene ion of ¡3-carotene is transfered to the free radicals in the begining of oxidantion process. Thus, fi- carotene deactivates the radicals of singlet oxygen. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 2(2):221- 225,1995]
Key Words: fi-carotene, metabolism, cancer.