In this study, to research the pathological role of immunological changes in atopic dermatitis, we investigated the serum immunoglobulins and complement levels and the correlations between severity scoring of atopic dermatitis (scorad index) and these parameters. There was no statistically signif cant difference in the serum IgA, IgM, IgE, and C4 levels between the patients with atopic dermatitis and controls. But, the serum C3 and IgG levels was signifcantly lower in the patients than in controls. There was no correlation between scorad index and the serum IgG, IgM, and IgE levels, but the negat ve correlat on between scorad ndex and the serum IgA and C3 levels and positive correlation between scorad index and the serum C4 levels. This findings suggest that immunoglobulins and complement system participates in inflammatory process in atopic dermatitis.
Key words: severity scoring of atopic dermatitis, immunoglobulins, complements