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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1998; 5(2): 110-113



Dr. Azi z ÖZTÜRK*, Dr . Enver ALTAŞ*, Dr. Bülent AKTAN*,  Dr . Soner ÖZER*, Dr. R Murat KARAŞEN*,  Dr . Aki f ÇİFTÇİOĞLU**




A wide ranged different drugs have been proved to be ototoxic in the last 50 years. These are aminoglycosides, loop diuretics, local anesthetics, anti neoplastic drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. In this study, probable ototoxic side effects of cisplatin, anti neoplastic agent, with or without gentamyci n on the guinea pig's cochlea was evaluated light microscopically. Finally, it was found that nucleer loss and degeneration of hair cells in the bazal turn of cochlea as well the changes in spiral ganglion and nerve fibers.

These degenerative changes were more severe in the group IV which on cisplatin and gentamycin combination as compared with group III which on cisplatin only. Thus, it was found that cisplatin and gentamycin combination may be more ototoxic that the use of only cisplatin. For statistically analysis, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test was used. Cisplatin group (group III) was compared cisplatin-gentamycin group (group IV) and was statistically signif cant (p

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