Original Research |
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Lumbar spine radiographs in iow-back pain
Dr.Nurzat ELMALI*, Dr.Kaya SARAÇ**, Dr.Tanıer BAYSAL**, Dr.M.Akif KAYGUSUZ*, Dr. Serhat ÖZTÜRK*** . Abstract | | | |
In önler t de/ermine the relationship behreen abtıormal radiographic Jmdings of lıımhar spuıe radiographs and lou-hack pain. 100 patients with chronıc lo
-hack pain are compared with 40 normal persons. uithoııt low-hack pain. liasically 10 radiographic parameters are evaluated. Among these parumelers there was sıgni/icant association between namnriııg of intervertebral disc-space, osteophyte Jormaiıon. intereristal line localization and low back pain. There was signijicant association behreen the length of the transvers process and low-back pain, but since there vrav not signijicant length d iJ'ference. ıt vas not signijicant clinically. There was nol a signijicant association bet
een lıımbosacral ang/e. transıtional vertehrae, Schmorl 's nodules. lateral devıation, lumbar lordosis, spina bijida and to
-back pain. f Journal !
Turgut (hal Medical Çenter 2(I):32-36.1995/
Key iVords : ftnv-hack pain, lumbar vertehrae radiog,