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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(1): 1-6

Slereotactic adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into spinal cord and spinal cord tumors


Ahmet ÇOLAK.’, M.D ., Arif Mehmet ALADAG*, M D., Shu-Hsia CHEN”, Ph. D., Savıo L C WOO". Pli D Robert G. GROSSMAN*”. M.D., David H. SHINE**’, M.D.




The oulhors evaluated the /ea.sihı/ıiy of ıısiny replicalion defective recomhinant adenovirus vectors to transfer yeııe.s lo the spinal cord, and .spinal cord tumors uı vivo. Spinal cord tıınıors at thoracic reyioıı uere ındııced in h'iseher 344 rat.s hy a slereotactic iniramedııllary injection of 1x1 (f 91. cells in 1.5 fjl llank's halanced safi solution (IIİİSS). Seven days afier celi injection, a replicalion defective adenovıral veclor cornıııy the bacterıal / (. 11)1 ’-fi yal) or şaline
as iııjected into tumors. lifficacy of gene delıvery as ınvesiif’ated at 9 and 15 days afier iumor celi implaniaiion. Slereotactic injection of the adenovıral vector corryıııy fî-yal (. 11)1 -fi yal) yene nıto the spinal cord of animal revealed iniense staininy of ali cells includiny ııeurons, oslrocytes. and epeıulynıal cells in thc adjaceııt to injection sile, and a relatively Imv staininy in the penpheraf par! of ınjectıoıı sile. In the rals hearing ~ dav tumors, slereotactic inlralıımoral injection of' ADI'-fi yuf vector stained 5-10 % of the t umor cells. Transdnction and yene deliveıy
ere successfitlly aclııeved ın holh yroııps. Expression of reporter yene ımv more prominent in rals sacrifted a! 9 days Ihan socnfied at 15 days.

Our resuhs demon.strale llıai recomhinant adenoviral vectors can efficiently he used to transfer yenes into spinal cord and iıılo spinal cord tumors in vivo. 1 his approach can provide successfid transfer of therapeutic yenes sııch as the thyınidine yene into the spinal cord /ör lumor therapy. /.Journal of Tııryııl (hal Medical ( enler 2(1): I-6.1995/

Key Vords:. Idenovirı/s. ji-yaloctosidase. yene therapy, spinal cord tumors

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