Case Report |
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M ollar et menenjiti: vaka takdimi
Ünsal ÖZGEN*, M.D, Ayşe BALAT*, M.D, Sabit ŞAHİN*. M.D, Hamza KARABİBER*, M.D, Mehmet TURGUT*, M.D, Emine SÖNMEZ**, M.D, Kaya SARAÇ**, M.D, Turan ASLAN***, M.D . Abstract | | | |
Mollaret's meningitis is a rare clinical entity characterized by sudden onset of meningeal irritation attacks. In almost all cases, an etiological agent could not be demonstrated and there is no specific therapy for the disease. In this report, an 11 year old girl who had meningitis attack for 9 times in the last 5 years is presented.¡Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center I(2): 154-155.1994 /
Key Words: Child. Mollaret 's meningitis, recurrent aseptic meningitis