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Ann Med Res. 1994; 1(2): 108-111

The efficacy and safety of300 mg bid ranitidine in treatment of duodena/ ulcer

Doç. Dr. Ömer KARAHAN*, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Metin BEL VİRANLI*, Prof.Dr. Adnan KAYNAK*, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mustafa ŞAHİN**, Araş. Gör. Dr. Cemil ER*




Twenty patients with duodenal ulcer, measuring at least 5 mm or more in its larger diameter endoscopically were employed 300 mg bid ranitidine for 4 weeks. The patients were assessed endoscopically and symptomatically after 4 weeks. In 16 of 17 (94.1 %) patients, pain was relieved in 1.6 days (mean) and ulcer was healed endoscopically in 4 weeks and no side effect was detected. H e concluded that 300 mg bid ranitidine is more effective and safe. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1(2): 108- 111,19941

Key Words: Duodenal ulcer. Ranitidine

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