In this study, 30 male rabbits belong to New Zeland strain (Oryctolagus cuniculus huxleyi) were used. The rabbits were groupped as A, B, C and 0.005, 0.00"5 and 0.010 mgr kg day aflatoxin B¡ was given respectively. The data was analysed with two-way .1X01 'A and correlation A NO I A. It was found that the number of leucocyte and erythrocyte, the value of hematocrit and also the average hemoglobin value of a single erythrocyte changed istati.sticaly depending on the groups measurements interval and interactions. Hemoglobin value and the number of platelet showed imfxirtant differences between measurements in time only. The average volume of a single erythrocyte showed differences between experimentáis groups only. In the spite of these differences, for all groups given aflatoxin B¡ the negative relationship were observed between number of platelet, hematocrit value in time. It was also found that there is a positive relationship between the number of leucocyte, hemoglobin value and the average hemoglobin value of a single erythrocyte in time. On the other hand, the number of erythrocyte, the average volume of a single erythrocyte and the average hemoglobin concentration of a single erythrocyte exhibits a positive relationship for some groups and a negative for the other groups in time. The data were compared with literature and discussed. /.Journal of Turgut Özal Medical ('enter 1(2): 93-103 ,1994/
Key Words:. I a/latoxin B¡ .rabbit, blood parameters