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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 1996; 3(4): 363-367

Congenital angular deformities of the leg : congenital pseudoarthrosis and congenital posteromedial angulation of the tibia

Dr. Güntekin Güner1, Dr. Nurzat Elmalı1, Dr. İrfan Ayan1, Dr. Nusret Ataşlı1




Congenital angular deformities of the leg are rare. Congenital anterolateral angulation of the tibia is a complex deformity which needs close observation because, fracture and pseudoarthrosis are always potential risk. Here we report 4 cases in which two had congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia and the other two had congenital posteromedial angulation of the tibia which were managed between 1994-1996 and the related literature were reviewed. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1996;3(4):363-367]

Key Words: Congenital angular deformity, tibia, anterolateral angulation, pseudoarthrosis

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