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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 1996; 3(4): 350-353

Arthroscopy assisted treatment of the intra-articular fractures


Dr. Güntekin Güner1, Dr. Nurzat Elmalı1, Dr. Ü. Sefa Müezzinoğlu2, Dr. Erol Gürfidan3




Intra-articular fractures may result in stiffness, deformity, pain and post-traumatic arthritis. In order to avoid deformity and stiffness, it is necessary to secure an anatomical reduction and early motion. Recently arthroscopy is being used to treat more complex pathologies such as intra-articular fractures of the knee joint. The main advantages of this procedure are improved visualization and decreased patient morbidity. Additionally arthroscopy allows the orthopedic surgeon to assess and treat concomitant knee pathology at the same time. In this article we present three cases having tibia plateau, transverse patella and unicondylar femur fractures treated by arthroscopic methods. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1996;3(4):350- 353]

KeyWords : Arthroscopy, intraarticular fractures, reduction, internal fixation

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