The main indications for surgery in thyroid disease include malignancy, cytologically suspicious diagnosis, tracheo-esophageal compression and cosmetic reasons. 90 patients who underwent to surgery for nodular goiter were studied prospectively. Preoperatively, 76 patients were evaluated by thyroid USG, 30 patients by thyroid scintigraphy and all the patients by fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Thyroidectomy indications in our cases were malignancy or suspicious cytologic results in 26, clinical findings of malignancy in 4 patients, hypertyroid in 16, compression symptoms in 22, recurrent goiter in 7, and cosmetic reasons in 15 patients. Cytohistopathologic correlation was established in these cases. In the malign and suspicious FNAB results the sensitivity and the specificity of the procedure was determined as 90% and 79%, respectively. In the evaluation of postoperatively diagnosed 10 malign patients; 9 of the 48 solitary nodules (18.75%), 9 of the 14 fixed nodules (64.29%) and all of the 3 patients having lymphadenopathy were confirmed as malignancy. The malignancy rate in man (36%) was significantly higher than the women (8.70%) (p